Can You Afford to Go It Alone?

The difference a qualified financial advisor can make

Many of us hire an accountant ahead of filing for tax returns or look to a realtor to help with a property sale. And we all rely on medical experts when it comes to our own well-being.

Why should our financial health be any different?

Investing is an area where drawing on the expertise of a dedicated professional—one who understands the market and knows how to design a plan that meets your needs—can have a profound impact. That impact can be measured both in dollars and in peace of mind. An advisor can also help with things like retirement planning, estate planning, designing an education savings plan for your kids or grandkids, and making tax-informed investing choices. And an advisor can fill another simple but crucial role: helping you navigate the complicated, often emotional, world of investing. They can do this by providing thoughtful, reasoned advice when stock swings and hyperactive headlines may distract you from your goals. An advisor can temper expectations when markets surge and offer reassurance when they fall.

If you’re still not sure an advisor is right for you, consider some key questions.

Do I have the expertise?

Having a diversified portfolio—one that holds investments that follow what financial science has taught us—can help manage risk and put you in position to capture returns when and where they appear. It takes expertise to build a global portfolio of stock and bond investments that is right for your circumstances, whether that’s looking toward retirement, scheduling charitable donations, or passing wealth to your heirs.

An advisor understands your options in the ever-shifting landscape of investment choices. They can help you target performance that generates long-term wealth. They can track the impact that fees are having on your returns. They can help monitor progress toward achieving your goals. When and how you hold your investments will affect the returns you see after taxes too.

Do I have the time?

A skilled financial advisor makes it their business to do more than know the basics of investing. They follow the latest research to help you make decisions that are informed by data and backed by years of academic scholarship. They monitor changes in your asset allocation over time and advise on rebalancing, so you can keep your portfolio on target. They track changes in tax laws and financial regulations to make sure you’re taking advantage of new opportunities and keeping your accounts positioned for the best outcomes.

And crucially, an advisor makes it their job to follow the markets so you don’t have to. When you’re adhering to an established plan developed with an advisor, that’s time saved every day—time you don’t have to spend tracking financial news for fear of missing something important. An advisor can free you from much watching, wondering, and worrying.

Redefining Financial Advice

Do I have the discipline?

The benefit of a trusted professional helping keep you on course isn’t measured just in hours spent managing finances. There’s also the freedom from anxiety and stress over whether you should do something and when. If you have an established plan, the answer more often than not will simply be: “Stay the course. Let the plan work for you.”


But that can be hard. It’s hard when the media is buzzing about the latest tech firm on the rise or attention-seeking crypto asset. It’s hard when your portfolio suddenly dips—or pops to a record high—and the voice in your head urges action.

Because, at the end of the day, perhaps the most valuable thing a financial advisor has to offer is calm. The calm that comes from knowing your investments are backed by financial science. The calm that comes from the confidence that you’re on the right track to meeting your goals, no matter the headlines. And the calm that comes from the reassurance that someone with clarity and objectivity is looking out for your best interests, especially when the ride gets rough.

That’s why the choices you make about an advisor—someone who understands markets and can help you navigate both tranquil seas and rough waters—can be as important as your choice of investments. Quality advice can have a profound impact on your overall financial experience, delivering in ways that go far beyond a simple rate of return. Because a successful experience ought to be defined by both the destination and the journey.

Diversification does not eliminate the risk of market loss.

Dimensional makes no representation as to the suitability of any advisor, and we do not endorse, recommend, or guarantee the services of any advisor. Individuals should carefully evaluate any advisor whom they may consider hiring. Individuals are responsible for monitoring their advisor’s investment performance.