30 Years Pursuing the Value Premium: Price-to-Book Stands the Test of Time

  • An analysis shows no reliable performance differences across value portfolios formed on price-to-book (P/B) vs. nine other metrics.1
  • P/B separates the value and profitability premiums effectively, allowing investors to better manage exposure to those premiums.
  • A P/B strategy can achieve performance similar to that of other metrics, with less turnover.

This year marks Dimensional’s 30th anniversary of managing value strategies for our clients. For three decades, Dimensional has been successfully targeting the value premium to help investors pursue higher expected returns.

The value premium is supported by strong empirical evidence and motivated by valuation theory, which provides a framework for identifying the drivers of expected returns. Valuation theory says that expected returns are driven by the prices investors pay and the cash flows they expect to receive. We can use the valuation equation shown in Exhibit 1 to identify relations across prices and company fundamentals that tell us about differences in expected returns across securities. In particular, the valuation equation tells us that stocks with a lower relative price (“value” stocks), a smaller market capitalization, and higher profitability2 have higher expected returns than stocks with a higher relative price (“growth” stocks), larger market capitalization, and lower profitability.

Exhibit 1

Valuation Equation

When it comes to identifying value and growth stocks, Dimensional uses price-to-book (P/B), one of the original metrics proposed in academia and the financial industry. P/B is the ratio of market capitalization (price) to book equity. While there are many alternative metrics, including price-to-earnings (P/E), price-to-cash flow (P/CF), and intangible adjusted P/B, a recent Dimensional paper, “Assessing Alternative Value Metrics,” finds that P/B stands out from practical investment perspectives.

Examining hypothetical value portfolios based on 10 alternative valuation metrics, the paper shows that there is no reliable performance difference between the portfolio formed on P/B and portfolios formed on the alternative metrics. Indeed, all value portfolios outperformed the broad US market, providing evidence for the robustness of the value premium. 

The paper also documents a common feature among most alternative value metrics: additional profitability exposure at the expense of lower value exposure.

Incorporating profitability in addition to the value premium can be a powerful way to improve the expected returns of a portfolio. However, to integrate the value and profitability premiums most effectively, we believe a real-world strategy should directly target exposure to both premiums, rather than relying on indirect exposure to the profitability premium through alternative value metrics. Moreover, accessing the value and profitability premiums via separate variables allows for more direct control over the desired exposure to those premiums.

In practical investment solutions, we also need to consider the impact of trading costs. The hypothetical value strategy constructed using P/B results in lower turnover than the value portfolios formed on P/E and P/CF, reducing implementation costs. This makes sense because book equity tends to be less volatile than other fundamentals on income statements, such as earnings and cash flows.

Over the past 30 years, investors have searched for new ways to extract information related to the value premium. Ongoing research from Dimensional indicates that P/B can provide a similar expected return with lower turnover and more control over the exposure to multiple premiums in a systematic investment solution. When evaluated based on empirical and practical considerations, price-to-book—one of the original value metrics—stands the test of time.


  1. 1The alternative value metrics are price-to-cash flow, price-to-earnings, price-to-retained earnings, price-to-contributed capital, price-to-book less goodwill, price-to-book with estimated intangibles, price-to-book with estimated knowledge capital, price-to-book with estimated organizational capital, and blend of price-to-book, price-to-cash flow, and price-to-earnings.
  2. 2Profitability is defined as the operating income before depreciation and amortization minus interest expense divided by book equity.



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