Dimensional 360

Client Communication

A great client experience is enhanced through effective communication. Learn advanced techniques and leverage our resources to educate clients, encourage discipline, and communicate the value of advice.

Client-Ready Materials

Access MyDimensional, our secure website for financial professionals, to download a wide range of shareable content for client education and marketing.

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Dimensional researchers, investment experts, and thought leaders offer insights on research, markets, news events, and Dimensional Investing.

Explore Dimensional Insights

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Quick Takes

Use these shareable one-pagers to highlight key investment and market principles.


View “There’s Stock Picking. There’s Indexing. Then There’s Dimensional Investing.”

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Data Vids

Short, animated videos put investing concepts in motion to deliver straightforward messages about markets to investors.


Watch “Dimensional Looks at Rebalancing Every Day. Indexers Can’t.”

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End-Investor Slides

Choose from a collection of topical, multi-slide modules to educate clients on markets and investing.


View “Don’t Try to Outguess the Market” Slide (PDF)

The Scientific Pursuit of a Better Way to Invest

Introduce your clients to our firm, strategies, and evidence-based investing through an extensive collection of digital and print brochures.


View “The Scientific Pursuit of a Better Way to Invest” (PDF)

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Our library of videos covers a range of investment topics and offers convenient links to share with clients and prospects.


Explore the Dimensional YouTube channel


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