Dimensional 360

Education and Training

Dimensional events cover a diverse range of topics suitable for various audiences. Held throughout the year, the events are designed to enhance your technical knowledge, provide access to Dimensional experts and thought leaders, and encourage professional networking.
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Introduces Dimensional’s market-based philosophy and investment approach to present a broad view of our strategies and research.
Practice Management
Explores ways to manage and grow your business using data from Dimensionals Global Advisor Study and Global Investor Study.
Deals and Succession
Evaluates the current M&A landscape, business strategies, and best practices through interactive sessions that feature industry experts and idea sharing.
Showcases insights into sustainability, including the science and economics of climate change, corporate governance, and Dimensionals investment methodology.
Contemplates investment ideas at a much deeper level and features leading thinkers and practitioners in finance and wealth management.
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Executive Forums
Designed for C-suite and partner-level executives at larger and more complex firms.
Study Groups
Created for advisors within specific geographic regions or target markets who meet periodically in person and virtually.
Women and Wealth

Features workshops on investments, marketing, communication, and other tools to better serve women clients.


View overview (PDF)

Specialist Strategy Groups
Offer learning opportunities for leaders in specialised business functions, such as human capital, operations, and media relations.
Emerging Talent Cohorts
Tailored for next-generation leaders at growth-oriented firms.
Advisory Councils
Held with industry thought leaders whose feedback helps shape Dimensional strategy.
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Market Reviews
Dimensional investment specialists review the global financial markets and portfolio returns in the context of significant events during the period.
Dimensional Investing
Dimensional specialists offer a deeper perspective on strategy performance, implementation, and global markets.
Insights from a Thought Leader
Dimensional leaders and industry experts share their perspectives on the economy, markets, and investing.
Practice Management
Practice management experts discuss principles, strategies, and benchmarking data to help you address business challenges and growth strategies.
Effective Communication
Our client services and communication teams offer techniques for improving investors understanding of markets and investing.

CE Credits

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